The Day when I lost the Bet…But I won something…….someone.

via Daily Prompt Paper


Only If I had not got the letter. If had not held that letter in my hand. If I had not felt that rough texture, as a sand Paper, of the letter. If I had not seen the messy and shaky writing in the letter, as if every alphabet is dancing on a rhythm. If I had not read the words, so explicit of the infatuation. If I had not seen his statuesque attitude. Only If I had not lost the bet. I would have not known him, my husband.

I met him by chance. But looking back, It seems Destiny. The warm summer day just when I lost the bet to my friend and was contemplating my loss, completing her homework, while she was out partying, I saw him at the door. His strong arms like they could lift any burden of life. The bright eyes had love and compassion. The broad shoulder made me wonder what was beneath that t-shirt which was perfectly fitting on him. I never knew I was loosing bet for this, I would love to loose bet again and again. All these thoughts came so quick that I forgot, I dint know him. I was just looking and I saw his hand waving, when I realized, he was asking for my friend. I pulled myself together and took the letter which was for my friend. I should have not read it, but I read every word of it. I read it again and imagined my name in the letter.

This was a start, start to something that I knew will last life long. And, yes, It happened. The thing which started by delivering that letter with some one’s else’s name in it, but ended with the vows with my name in them. I’m happy, I lost the bet that day. I’m happy, he came to deliver the letter that day, so what it was not for me. It does’t matter any more.

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